Our Mission

Provide housing solutions, support and education to meet the needs of individuals and families facing homelessness in our community.

Secure safe and affordable housing

Provide professional case management

Connect individuals and families with resources and support to succeed

How you can help

Where the money goes

How donations are invested into your community

Households Helped Last Year

Hope House programs that include Professional Case Management so families receive a hand up not a handout.

Point In Time Count for 2023

Records the number of homeless in Hancock County **

Program Service73
Management and General20


Your gift through an endowment, bequest or annuity helps build the future foundation for Hope House and the families we serve. Contact our Development Director for more information.

Investing in our community

With your help, we're ending homelessness one family at a time.
Building Independence

People successfully exiting Hope House programs who are stably housed 1 year later.

Transitional Shelter

People we served in 2023 who were under 18.

Case Management

Hope House programs that include Professional Case Management so families receive a hand up not a handout.

**The Point in Time (PIT) is a national program aimed at counting the homeless population. However, certain circumstances or living situations are excluded from the count.